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"Master The Art of Witchcraft & Magick To Cast Spells, Conduct Ceremony & Ritual, and Charge Objectives With Energy - While Keeping Yourself Grounded & Protected"

On This 6-Week Live Training Course You’ll Learn The Many Uses Of Wicca & Magick, Ceremony & Ritual, How To Use Herbs Magically, To Use Crystals For Healing, Create & Charge Sigils, Amulets & Talisman, Utilise The Moon Phases For Spell Casting & How To Protect Yourself & Others...

  •  First Session: 24th September
  •  Sessions Are Recorded
  •  £36.99 £26.99
           One-Time Fee
  •  7pm - 8:30pm (UK Time)
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Live Training

Comprehensive Live Training Sessions with one of the UK's foremost Witches over 6-weeks inside a cohort of aspiring and experienced witches.

Weekly Workbooks

Weekly Workbooks that will deep dive into the subject matter covered each week with step-by-step, practical exercises to identify and enhance your magick abilities.

Weekly Spell Casting

Use Linda's mystical connections to cast weekly spells for Love, Relationships, Good Luck, Prosperity & So Much More... You Will Also Learn How To Use These Spells For Yourself and Others.

Fully Accredited

Fully Accredited by The World Metaphysical Association, your source for education, networking, and services for the Metaphysical community.

"The Witchcraft & magick Masterclass Is The perfect way to Gain A Deep Insight Into the world around you, Manifest Your deepest desires & Even Reveal Your Life’s True Path.”

Linda Rauch's insightful course offers you an extraordinary journey of discovery into the world of Witchcraft & Magick. the masterclass covers step-by-step processes that begins with the basics and progresses you all the way to Becoming a Confident Witch...

By taking this course you'll be able to:

  • Learn How to Perform Spells For Yourself And EVEN For Others - be it for Love, Attraction, Career and/or Abundance...
  • ​Learn How to Perform Rituals that are attuned to each Seasonal Phase
  • ​Create and Charge Objects With Positive, Clean Energy - Including the likes of Sigils, Amulets and Talisman
  • ​Learn How The Soul Communicates with our Human Minds To Set Intentions Through Ritual, Prayer and Chanting - So You Can Effortlessly Align Yourself to Achieve Your Deepest Desires
  • Utilise Witchcraft & Magick To Manifest Your Ideal Future... So You Can Effortlessly Achieve Personal & Financial Success
  • ​Locate The Energetic Doorway of Communication to Spiritual Dimensions Through Ritual & Ceremony... and How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities to Enhance Your Sensitivity & Empower Your Wiccan Journey
  • How to Utilise Witchcraft in your Everyday Life ​To Gain a Deep Insight Into People, Circumstances and The World Around You
  • ​Remain Grounded and In-Control Of Your Abilities While Protecting Yourself
  • Set Intentions & Utilise The Mystical Craft To Have More Energy While Being Able To Clear Any Blockages
  • ​Truly Harness Your Abilities & What You Learn On This Course To Attract High-Paying Clients & Build a Successful, Life-Changing Business

What Our Students Say About Linda's Inspiring Courses...

"I loved this course and her energy. I found it very helpful. I felt she was direct and to the point. She seems so sincere and just a beautiful energy. I really loved her meditation as well. I highly recommend her class and would be interested in her upcoming classes."

Liz C.

"When Linda speaks - she is not only "teaching" - she conveys the information as if she were speaking to a trusted friend or colleague. It's as if she can see her audience. So very insightful!"

Melanie M.

"Linda you have really outdone yourself. This course is fantastic, deep and insightful. I have learnt bucket loads. I'm in awe of all the information you have shared. The meditations as usual were amazing, you really know how to take us deep. Thank you for this amazing course.

Esther W.

"Wonderful. I'm so glad I called you in. You were the permission slip I asked for to release my fear and continue my journey with spirit."

Jennifer K.

"Right from the beginning I was hooked. Her speaking voice is wonderful and I have really great vibes about her honesty! Can't wait for more!!"

Mickie A.

"Linda is a very detailed, gifted teacher. She is so knowledgeable and sincere. I love learning from her."

Cindy A.

"The Curriculum I have designed provides a Holistic, comprehensive & insightful journey into the Profound world of Witchcraft & Magick..."

Week 1

The foundations of Wiccan practice: Purification, Intention and grounding. Getting to know your Spirit Team & the Pentacle of life

In this exciting and insightful masterclass, you'll learn To harness the ancient power of Witchcraft and Magick. we'll cover the fundamentals of wicca and how this ancient practice is based on harnessing the power of nature for healing... for yourself and others. 

you'll cover the importance of purification and intention in this sacred work. the masterclass will also consider the importance of grounding, anchoring in the Earth and our physical bodies, so we can closely work with our 'Soul selves'

you will learn about the 'Spirit team' who supports and guides you; Gods and Goddesses, your ancestors and nature animals, and EVEN elemental Spirits.

You Will also discover The Pentacle as a Symbol of Wicca and how it is fundamental to this practice... and we will look at how To use this in our sacred work

throughout the masterclass, you will be joined by a community of like-minded souls who also want to develop as witches and connect with like-minded others

The skills you will develop on this course will help to inform and transform you... helping you improve your well-being, cast spells to achieve your desires and Harness The Earth Energies that exist around you.

  • Discover The History and Development of Witchcraft and Magick 
  • ​Learn the Importance of Harnessing Earth’s Energies in Creating Healing, Abundance and Joy In Your Life 
  • ​How to Prepare For Ceremony By Grounding, Purification and Setting Intention 
  • ​You Find Out Who Is Part Of Your Spirit Team Supporting and Guiding You Through Your Practice as a Wiccan 
  • ​Understand The Importance Of The Pentacle 
  • ​You Will Be Part Of a Group of Like-Minded Wiccans Starting Their Sacred Journeys

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Love Spell - Use Linda's Magic To Attract Love Into Your Life (And How To Use The Same Spell For Others)

Tuesday 24th september

7pm - 8:30pm

Week 2

What’s in a Witches toolbox: Altar, Wands, Cauldrons, Athame. Prayer, ritual, psychic development and chanting

inside this exciting and insightful week of the masterclass, you will Discover how to create an altar to focus your intention and prayer. you will also learn about using ritual, prayer and chanting for healing, abundance and life fulfilment

you Will discover 'the Witch's toolbox'... and how you can use tools such as wands, Cauldrons and Athames to cast spells, enhance your life & harness earth's energies.

you'll also understand the importance of psychic development to develop your sensitivity to nature, the elements and your Wiccan path and you will look at the ways to consecrate your tools for this sacred use...

  • How To Set Up an Altar & Recognise The Importance Of Intention In Creating This Sacred Space 
  • ​How The Soul Communicates With Our Human Minds To Set Intentions Through Ritual, Prayer and Chanting 
  • ​Know How To Use Your Magical Tools and What To Put In Your Witches Toolbox 
  • ​How To Consecrate Your Sacred Tools In Preparation For Use In Ritual and Ceremony 
  • ​Learn Techniques to Develop Your Psychic Abilities to Enhance Your Sensitivity and Empower Your Wiccan Journey 
  • EXCLUSIVE: Hear The Lyrics Of Well Known Wiccan Chants

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Relationship Spell - Use Linda's Magic To Attract Meaningful and Empowering Relationships - Be It In Your Personal or Professional Life

Tuesday 1st October

7pm - 8:30pm

Week 3

Opening Sacred Space through the Four Directions. Calling in the Ancestors, our guides Gods and Goddesses. Charge of the Goddess

This Week You Will Discover how to open sacred space using the Four directions of life and how to cast a circle...

You will Also learn how to call in the Ancestors, the Gods and Goddesses and the importance of the Great Mother Goddess as the creative divine force of this Sacred practice.

You Will ALSO Discover how important the lineage of our ancestors and our new tribes of Wiccans is to our identity as Witches...

You Will Also Cover the history of the Charge of the Goddess prayer and how to use it in your wiccan practices.

  • Learn To Open Sacred Space - Setting The Space, Calling In The Directions and Inviting Our Ancestors, Gods and Goddesses and Others For Support and Divine Guidance In Ritual and Ceremony...
  • ​You Will Locate The Energetic Doorway Of Communication To Spiritual Dimensions Through Ritual and Ceremony 
  • ​Discover The Great Mother Goddess - The Personified Deification Of Motherhood, Fertility, Creation, Destruction And The Earth Goddess Who Embodies The Bounty Of The Earth
  • ​Learn About The Lineage Of Our ancestors & Our Tribes, Communities and Coven Families 
  • ​Learn About The History Of The Charge of the Goddess and Find Out Why This Is So Important To Wiccan Practice

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Protection Spell - Protect Yourself & Others from Negativity... Be it from your Neighbours, Co-Workers or Family Members...

Tuesday 8th October

7pm - 8:30pm

Week 4

The Pentacle, Sacred names & developing your Wiccan Souls journey using elemental and natural magick, herbs, crystals and Divination methods; Tarot and Runes

In this exciting week, you will learn about the Pentacle as a symbol of faith and evocation...

You will also discover why having a Sacred name empowers and influences the fulfilment of your destiny...

You will Also Discover Elemental magick; Air, Fire, Earth and Water Magick, Natural Magick, Knot & Candle Magick...

You will also learn how You Can Use herbs and crystals in your spell work to enhance your spells, your intention and Your empowerment. In this Week, you will also discover Divination methods to enhance your Wiccan journey...

  • Learn To Use The Pentacle, The Wiccan Symbol Of Faith, In rituals For Evocation and Spell Casting 
  • ​Learn Your Sacred Name As Part Of Your Initiation Into Witchcraft 
  • ​Become familiar With The Different Forms Of Magick and How To Harness Earth Energies 
  • ​Learn About Using The Elements For Your Empowerment and Intention 
  • ​How To Use Herbs and Crystals For Healing, Protection, Cleansing and Evocation

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Abundance & Success Spell - This Spell Will Manifest All The Prosperity That Is Needed To Achieve Your Deepest Desires

Tuesday 15th October

7pm - 8:30pm

Week 5

Wheel of the Year and the Sacred days. Drawing Down the Moon for inspiration. Cycles of life: Maiden, Mother, Crone. Handfasting & life ceremonies

On this week of the masterclass, you Learn about the Wheel of the Year to honour the seasons Using the cycles and rhythms, through the Sacred Wiccan holidays, the moon and so much more...

You’ll also discover intuitive, inspirational, creative and healing abilities

In fact, you will also learn how to Draw down the Moon, bringing the energy of the Goddess deep into your soul, Understand the cycles of life and the phases of ageing, deepening and growing in wisdom. In doing so, You will also discover the different Wiccan blessings in ceremonies throughout life.

  • Learn The Wheel Of The Year and The Sacred Days Of The Wiccan year 
  • ​Use The Rhythms and Cycles Of The Seasons, The Planet and The Moons For The Development Of Your Soul 
  • ​Learn The Practice Of Drawing Down The Moon, and The Power Of The Goddess 
  • ​Discover The Process Of Ageing and The Importance Of Experience and Wisdom 
  • ​Learn How Blessings Are Used To Mark and Honour Rites Of Transition Through Life

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Good Luck Spell - This Spell Will Increase Luck and Good Fortune.. Giving You & Others New Options and Opportunities...

Tuesday 22th October

7pm - 8:30pm

Week 6

Spellcasting. Amulets, Sigils, Talisman and your book of shadows and your own and Initiation 

On this exciting and final week of the masterclass, you'll learn about creating spells for love, abundance and for the mission of your soul. you will also learn about amulets, sigils and talisman, and how to use these magical objects for yourself and others.

you will also learn how to create a book of shadows to record your wiccan journey.

linda will also discuss the wiccan Initiation and how this process is a valued part of a Witches journey...

  • Learn How To Create Spells For ALL Areas Of Your Life 
  • ​Learn About Amulets, Sigils and Talisman and How To Use Them For Effective Protection and Evocation 
  • ​Learn How To use a Book of Shadows - Recording Your Rituals, Spells and Wiccan Experiences 
  • ​Learn about Initiation and How To Dedicate Yourself to the Wiccan Path To Progress Your Abilities

Spell Casting of the week:

  • Healing Spell - This Spell Will Help You Enhance Physical & Mental Well-Being

Tuesday 29th October

7pm - 8:30pm

What Our Students Say About Linda's Inspiring Courses...

"I loved this course and her energy. I found it very helpful. I felt she was direct and to the point. She seems so sincere and just a beautiful energy. I really loved her meditation as well. I highly recommend her class and would be interested in her upcoming classes."

Liz C.

"Excellent course, Linda covered all aspects of Mediumship from beginning to end as what you need to start a business, but all the ethical and honoring this incredible field. I have done a few courses in Mediumship and I must say Linda's passion and experience really comes through. Good course for beginners to advanced. Greatly appreciated Linda. Thank you."

Carol A.

"Linda you have really outdone yourself. This course is fantastic, deep and insightful. I have learnt bucket loads. I'm in awe of all the information you have shared. The meditations as usual were amazing, you really know how to take us deep. Thank you for this amazing course.

Esther W.

"Wonderful. I'm so glad I called you in. You were the permission slip I asked for to release my fear and continue my journey with spirit."

Jennifer K.

"Right from the beginning I was hooked. Her speaking voice is wonderful and I have really great vibes about her honesty! Can't wait for more!!"

Mickie A.

"Linda is a very detailed, gifted teacher. She is so knowledgeable and sincere. I love learning from her."

Cindy A.

"linda Rauch is A fully initiated wiccan priestess & One of The UK's Foremost Witches With Over 40 Years' of Experience as A Reader, Healer & Teacher..."

Linda Rauch has been practising and teaching Witchcraft & Magick for over 40 years

Throughout her career, she has acquired the skills, knowledge and experience to fully harness the power of spirit to communicate with loved ones, heal others and offer intuitive and life-changing guidance during difficult times.

As an initiated Wiccan Priestess and ordained Spiritualist Minister, she has conducted ceremony in Glastonbury, Avebury, Jerusalem, California, Ireland, Wales and in Crop Circles. She has also trained with Master Shaman, Druids and a world-renowned Wiccan High Priestess

Linda has also worked as a counsellor for ten years and six years at San Francisco General Hospital, working with hundreds of patients with terminal illness, mental illness and drug addiction. More recently, Linda has taught over ten thousands students online with her Masterclasses in Witchcraft, Psychic, Tarot and Spiritual Development.

"My heart is dedicated to Spirit and I am in service to Spirit in my daily life. I am blessed to be guided and supported though my ability to communicate with other realms. 

Inside my Masterclass, I will share insights that you simply won’t find in any books, and techniques that I have honed over 40 years working with over 10,000 students and countless clients from around the world. 

Whether you are a beginner or already experienced in Wicca, you will find the tools, practices and approaches on this course will take your abilities and skill to the next level. 

You will not learn this anywhere else ..."

"Shortcut decades of Spiritual Development with this unique opportunity to join The Witchcraft & Magick Masterclass and learn the proven system To confidently cast spells & achieve your deepest desires, sooner than You Might Think Possible."

Interested in a 1:1 Session with Linda? Book here.

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Copyright © 2024 Linda Rauch Training | Vertical Brands Ltd.
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, UK

All rights reserved.

Interested in a 1:1 Session with Linda? Book here.

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Copyright © 2024 Linda Rauch Training | Vertical Brands Ltd.
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, UK

All rights reserved.